Laboratory of Geo-monitoring and Geo-archaeology/Scientific Achievements

Scientific Achievements

1. Seismological Monitoring, Assessment of Seismic Regime Parameters, Seismic Tomography

•    Deployment of the network of broadband digital seismic stations (Guralp)(velocity and acceleration sensors);
•    Use of information technologies to provide for digital communication between the     seismic stations and the common data storage center;
•    Information storage (wave patterns and other) and archiving;
•    Processing and analysis of seismic waves, exchange of digital options of earthquake     wave patterns among local and regional research centers and institutes (Georgia,     Turkey, Iran, and Azerbaijan);
•    Development of reasonable three-dimensional models of seismic waves, precision     location of earthquake hypocenters within the Caucasus-Caspian Region, study of the     mechanisms of uplift in the Greater Caucasus, generation of strong earthquakes and     early orogenic stages in the region;
•    Detailed plotting of P and S-wave velocities in the Earth crust (2D, and 3D models) and determination of their  natural attenuation patterns; improved topography of the Moho boundary (relief) and estimation of velocity gradients in the upper mantle/lithosphere/;
•    Analysis of the features of the Earth crust strain field based on calculations of earthquake focal mechanisms (ML≥3.0) and compilation of the new catalogue of focal mechanisms.

2. Applied Geodynamics

•    Design and installation of GPS observation points (Global Positioning System) for     continuous monitoring and GPS benchmarks for sessions of observations;
•    Monitoring of the geodynamic field in the RA by means of continuous and session-    based measurements;
•    Storage of data collected from GPS stations, analysis and mapping;
•    Assessment of stress regions in the Earth crust, determination of directions and rates of     deformations caused by shortening and extension.

3. Geophysical Studies

•    Seismic prospecting activities implemented by means of:
•    a) Multi-channel Analysis of Surface Waves (MASW) in the 30 m-thick stratum of soils based on the distribution of shear wave propagation velocities (Vs 30),  1D, 2D and 3D description and mapping,
•    b) spectral analysis of micro-tremors to estimate predominant ground vibration periods;
•    c) geo-radar surveys – electromagnetic studies of soils by means of geo-radar surveying.

4. Assessment of Natural Hazards and Risks for Target Areas

•    Compiling and updating homogeneous and representative earthquake catalogs for the pre-historical, historical and instrumental periods;
•    Creation of databases on seismogenic zones, active faults, fault geometry, estimated and calculated Mmax seismic potential;
•    Selection of attenuation models for the RA and adjacent areas;
•    Classification of soils in target areas according to distribution of shear wave propagation velocities, development of soil models;
•    Probabilistic and deterministic assessment and mapping of seismic hazard;
•    Assessment/mapping of seismic hazard with allowance for local soil conditions (Vs30);
•    Periodic collection and systematization of data related to risk elements (population, buildings, structures, objects of special and critical importance, infrastructure and other communication systems) for the purposes of further multi-layer analysis of the data in digital systems or their rapid/real-time incorporation;
•    Values or estimates of vulnerability rates for risk elements;
•    Development of earthquake scenarios based on the evidence of historical seismicity, and regional seismotectonic model;
•    Probabilistic and deterministic (earthquake scenario) assessment of risk for areas (cities, communities, settlements, structures of high importance):
a) mapping the distribution of seismic intensity and probabilistic assessment of ground shaking it determines;
b) Estimation of losses and damages of structures, buildings and critical-importance infrastructure;
c) Estimation of casualties and rates of injured among population;
•    Assessment of natural hazards (landslides, ground settlements, liquefaction of soils, flooding, and rock falls, including effects triggered by earthquakes) and related risks for target areas (cities, communities, settlements, structures of critical importance);
•    Creation and management of Geographic Information System (GIS) on natural hazards and risks, inclusive of:
a) topography database,
b) infrastructure database,
c) geological database,
d) geophysical database,
e) geotechnical database.

5. GeoArcheological Studies (Geological Archeology)

Surveys implemented by geo-radar techniques applied in:
•    Archeology – identification of archeological sites, description of their quality and quantity characteristics;
•    Geology–identification and study of morphological deformations, geological inhomogeneities of various kinds, surface and subsurface faulting structures, preparation of geological sections, estimation of groundwater level;
•    Civil Engineering –mapping of underground infrastructure (pipelines, cables), estimation of quality of engineering structures.