Dear Colleagues,
Institute of Geological Sciences of the National Academy of Sciences of Armenia, together with Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZ and Technical University Darmstadt, with the support of German Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), organizes the Conference „Sustainable Water Resource Management in Regions with Heavily Overexploited Aquifers under Consideration of Regional Impacts of Climate Change” (“TC-WaterUse”).
You are invited to participate to the Conference with oral presentation on one of the following topics:
• Water resources management;
• Water use;
• Impact of climate change on water resources;
• Hydrological and hydrogeological modeling;
• Water quality assessment;
• Water information systems.
Abstracts should be sent before June 10, 2019, to the following email address: alex.arakelyan@outlook.com.
Abstract text should be up to 2000 symbols, in English and Armenian languages. Font size – 12pt, line spacing: 1, English text font – Times New Roman, Armenian text font – GHEA Grapalat. Organizations and email addresses of author(s) should be specified.
Participating German scientists:
Prof. Christoph Schueth; Technical University Darmstadt
Prof. Bernd Klauer; Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZ
Dr. Kay Knoeller; Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research GmbH – UFZ
P.D. Dr. habil. Michael Schubert