Laboratory of Geo-monitoring and Geo-archaeology/Maps and Graphics

About Laboratory Maps and Graphics
Scientific Staff and Areas of Study International Cooperation
Scientific Achievements Publications


Maps and Graphics


Network of Seismological Observations of the IGS NAS RA

General view of a seismic and GPS station in field

Results of Seismological and Geodynamic Network Data Processing

Geophysical field measurements (MASW, geo-radar, and GPS sessions)

Results from the processing of geophysical measurement data (multi-channel analysis of surface waves (MASW), an anomaly identified by geo-radar survey)

Landslide stability calculation (the most unstable site is indicated in red color)
Generalized piezometric level of ground waters
Three-dimensional model of a water reservoir and general view of information layers
The 3D model of the landslide and the surrounding area
Archeological sites identified as promising by geo-radar surveys and the results of their excavation