Լաբորատորիայի մասին | Քարտեզներ և գրաֆիկական պատկերներ |
Գիտական անձնակազմը և ուղղությունները | Միջազգային համագործակցություն |
Գիտական ուսումնասիրությունների խնդիրները | Հրատարակումներ |
2009-2021 թթ. հրատարակված աշխատանքների ցանկը
Հոդվածներ տեղական և միջազգային ամսագրերում
- P. Sugden , Kh. Meliksetian , I. P. Savov , D. Barfod , M. Wilson , Ch. Connor , G. Navasardyan, E.Grigoryan, D. Manucharyan, Post-collisional shift from polygenetic to monogenetic volcanism revealed by new 40Ar/39Ar ages in the southern Lesser Caucasus (Armenia), Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research , Volume 412 , April 2021, 107192, DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2021.107192
- B. Perello, R. Badalyan, Kh. Meliksetian, Ancient Armenia at the crossroads: Natural hazards and Adaptation Strategies in Armenia from 10 000 BCE onwards, Quaternary International , Available online 23 February 2021, DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2021.02.034
- H. Gevorgyan, C. Breitkreuz, K. Meliksetian, A. Israyelyan, Y. Ghukasyan, J.A. Pfänder, B. Sperner, D.P. Miggins, A. Koppers, Quaternary ring plain- and valley-confined pyroclastic deposits of Aragats stratovolcano (Lesser Caucasus): Lithofacies, geochronology and eruption history, J. Volcanol. Geotherm. Res., 401 (2020), p. 106928, DOI: 10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2020.106928
- P. J.Sugden , I. P. Savov , S. Agostini , M. Wilson , R. Halama , Kh. Meliksetian , Boron isotope insights into the origin of subduction signatures in continent-continent collision zone volcanism, Earth and Planetary Science Letters Volume 538 , 15 May 2020, 116207, DOI: doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2020.116207
- R. Halama, Kh. Meliksetian, I. P. Savov, P. J. Sugden, K. Sokół, Pinched between the plates: Armenia’s voluminous record of volcanic activity, The Geologists’ Association & The Geological Society of London, Geology Today, Vol. 36, No. 3, May–June 2020.
- Ch. Lin, T. Tseng, Kh. Meliksetian, A. Karakhanyan, B.Huang, H. Babayan, J.Hu, M. Gevorgyan, S.Chang, A. Levonyan, Locally Thin Crust and High Crustal V P / V S Ratio Beneath the Armenian Volcanic Highland of the Lesser Caucasus: A Case for Recent Delamination, Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 125(9), e2019JB019151, July 2020, DOI: 10.1029/2019JB019151
- Kirscher U. Gevorgyan H., Meliksetian K., Navasardyan G., Dallanave E., Breitkreuz C., Bachtadse V. Pleistocene ignimbrites of western Armenia – Paleomagnetic and magnetic anisotropy constraints on flow direction and stratigraphy, Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, Volume 402, 2020, pp 1-16․ https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0377027320301682
- A. Avagyan, L. Sahakyan, Kh. Meliksetian, A. Karakhanyan, V. Lavrushin, T. Atalyan, H.
Hovakimyan, S. Avagyan, P. Tozalakyan, E. Shalaeva, Ch. tine Chatainger, S. Sokolov, A. Sahakov, G. Alaverdyan, New evidences of Holocene tectonic and volcanic activity of the western part of Lake Sevan (Armenia), Geological Quarterly, 2020, 64 (2): 288–303, DOI:
- P J Sugden, I P Savov, M Wilson, K Meliksetian, G Navasardyan, R Halama, The Thickness of the Mantle Lithosphere and Collision-Related Volcanism in the Lesser Caucasus, Journal of Petrology, Volume 60, Issue 2, February 2019, Pages 199–230, https://academic.oup.com /petrology/issue/60/2
- Sherriff J.E., K.N. Wilkinson, D.S. Adler, D. Arakelyan, E.J. Beverly, S.P.E. Blockley, B. Gasparyan, D.F. Mark, K. Meliksetyan, S. Nahapetyan, K.J. Preece, R.G.O. Timms, Pleistocene volcanism and the geomorphological record of the Hrazdan valley, central Armenia linking landscape dynamics and the Palaeolithic record, Quaternary Science Reviews, Volume 226, 2019. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/S0277379119302732
- Migliorini, M., Hagen, J., Mihaljević, J., Mysiak, J., Rossi, J., Siegmund, A., Meliksetian, K. and Guha Sapir, D. (2019), “Data interoperability for disaster risk reduction in Europe”, Disaster Prevention and Management, Vol. 28 No. 6, pp. 796-808. https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/DPM-09-2019-291/full/html?skipTracking=true
- Շահինյան Հ.Վ., Մելիքսեթյան Խ.Բ., Լավրուշին Վ.Յու., Նավասարդյան Գ.Խ., Զաքարյան Շ.Ս., Գյուլնազարյան Շ.Ա., Այդարկոժինա Ա., Մանուչարյան Դ.Ա., Գրիգորյան Է.Ս. Լրացված և նոր տվյալներ ՀՀ և Արցախի Հանրապետության տարածքների որոշ հանքային ջրերի մասին, ՀՀ ԳԱԱ տեղեկագիր, Գիտություններ Երկրի մասին, 72 (1), 2019, էջ 21-56. http://earth.asj-oa.am/3642/
- Меликсетян Х., Никогосян И., Джрбашян Р., Геворгян Р., Навасардян Г., Григорян Э., Мкртчян М. Четвертичный моногенный вулканизм Капанского блока: вулканология, геохронология и геохимия (юв часть Республики Армения), Известия НАН РА, Науки о Земле, 72 (2), 2019, c. 19-42. http://earth.asj-oa.am/3650/
- Fiebig M., Danukalova M., Meliksetian Kh. Bridging Europe and Asia: Quaternary stratigraphy and Palaeolithic human occupation in Armenia and South Georgia Quaternary International, Volume 509, 2019, Pages https://doi.org/10.1016/j.quaint.2019.04.013
- Gevorgyan, H., Repstock, A., Schulz, B., Meliksetian, Kh., Breitkreuz, Ch., Israyelyan, A. 2018. Decoding a post-collisional multistage magma system: The Quaternary ignimbrites of Aragats Stratovolcano, western Armenia, Lithos, Volumes 318–319, pp. 267-282.
- Sokół K., Halama R., Meliksetian Kh., Savov I., Navasardyan G., Sudo M. 2018. Alkaline magmas in zones of continental convergence: The Tezhsar volcano-intrusive ring complex, Armenia. Lithos, Volumes 320–321, pp. 172-191.
- Карапетян С. Г. 2016. К вопросу взаимоотношений плио-плейстоценовых вулканогенных и вулканогенно-осадочных образований междуречья Воротан-Агара (Сюникское вулканическое нагорье, Армения). // Изв. НАН Армении, Науки о Земле, № 2, с. 24-33.
- Wolf D., P. Baumgart, S. Meszner, A. Fülling, F. Haubold, L. Sahakyan, Kh. Meliksetian, D. Faust. 2016. Loess in Armenia – stratigraphic findings and palaeoenvironmental indications, Proceedings of the Geologists’ Association, V. 127, Issue 1, pp. 29-39.
- Джрбашян Р. Т., Меликсетян Х. Б., Гукасян Ю. Г., Геворгян Р. П., Савов И., Карапетян С. Г., Навасардян Г. Х., Манучарян Д. А. 2015. Плинианское извержение вулкана Иринд (Арагацкая вулканическая область, Армения). // Изв. НАН Армении, Науки о Земле, № 1, с. 3-21.
- Sheth H., Meliksetian Kh., Gevorgyan H., Israyelyan A., Navasardyan G. 2015. Intracanyon basalt lavas of the Debed River (northern Armenia), part of a Pliocene –Pleistocene continental flood basalt province in the South Caucasus. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, N295, pp. 1-15.
- Меликсетян Х. Б. 2015. Плато-базальтовый вулканизм в зонах коллизии: петрология и геохимия плиоцен-плейстоценовых базальтоидов северной и центральной Армении. // Изв. НАН Армении, Науки о Земле, № 1, c. 22-46.
- Neill I., Meliksetian Kh., Allen M. B., Navasardyan G., Kuiper K. 2015. Petrogenesis of mafic collision zone magmatism: the Armenian sector of the Turkish-Iranian Plateau. Chemical Geology, N 403, pp. 24-41.
- Ջրբաշյան Ռ.Տ. 2014. Հայաստանի տարածաշրջանը որպես երկրաբանական պատմության ոչ վաղ անցյալի հրաբխային հզոր գործունեության թատերաբեմ: // “Գիտության աշխարհում”, ՀՀ ԳԱԱ հրատ., Երևան, հ.1, էջ. 28-36:
- Frahm E., B. A., Schmidt, B. Gasparyan, B. Yeritsyan, S. Karapetian, Kh. Meliksetian, D. S. Adler. 2014. Ten seconds in the field: rapid Armenian obsidian sourcing with portable XRF to inform excavations and surveys, Journal of Archaeological Science, V. 41, pp. 333-348.
- Bobokhyan A., Kh. Meliksetian, B. Gasparyan, P. Avetisyan, C. Chataigner, E. Pernicka. 2014. Transition to Extractive Metallurgy and Social Transformation in Armenia at the End of the Stone Age. Stone Age of Armenia, Edited by Boris Gasparyan, Makoto Arimura: chapter Transition to Extractive Metallurgy and Social Transformation in Armenia at the End of the Stone Age: pp. 283-369, Kanazawa University, Japan.
- Frahm E., Feinberg J.M.,Schmidt-Magee, B., Wilkinson K.,G paryan B., Yeritsyan B., Karapetian S., Meliksetian Kh., Muth M. J., Adler S. 2014. Sourcing geochemically identical obsidian: multiscalar magnetic variations in the Gutansar volcanic complex and implications for Palaeolithic research in Armenia 2014, Journal of Archaeological Science 47, pp. 164-178.
- Meliksetian, Kh. 2013, Pliocene-Quaternary volcanism of the Syunik upland. In Archäologie in Armenien II Veröffentlichungen des Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt – Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Band 67. H. Meller and P. Avetisyan HRSG., Halle. p. 247-258.
- Neill I., Meliksetian, Kh., Allen, M.B., Navasardyan, G., Karapetian, S. 2013. Pliocene–Quaternary volcanic rocks of NW Armenia: Magmatism and lithospheric dynamics within an active orogenic plateau, Lithos, Volumes 180–181, pp. 200-215.
- Meliksetian, Kh., 2013, Pliocene-Quaternary volcanism of the Syunik upland. In Archäologie in Armenien II Veröffentlichungen des Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt – Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Band 67. H. Meller and P. Avetisyan HRSG., Halle. p. 247-258.
- Kunze, R., A. Bobokhyan, E. Pernicka, Kh. Meliksetian 2013. Mit Beiträgen von R. Mkrtchyan und H. Simonyan zur Paläoanthropologie sowie Hans-Jürgen Döhle zur Archäozoologie. In Archäologie in Armenien II Veröffentlichungen des Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt – Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Band 67 H. Meller and P. Avetisyan HRSG., Halle. p. 49-88.
- Wolf D., G. Borg, Kh. Meliksetian, A. Allenberg, E. Pernicka, A. Hovanissyan, R. Kunze. 2013. Neue Quellen für altes Gold? In Archäologie in Armenien II Veröffentlichungen des Landesamtes für Denkmalpflege und Archäologie Sachsen-Anhalt – Landesmuseum für Vorgeschichte Band 67., H. Meller and P. Avetisyan HRSG., Halle. p. 27-44.
- Connor L., Connor C., Meliksetian Kh., Savov I., 2012. Probabilistic approach to modeling lava flow inundation: a lava flow hazard assessment for a nuclear facility in Armenia. // Journal of Applied Volcanology, 1-3.
- Х. Б. Меликсетян, 2012 Геохимия вулканических серий Арагацской области. // Изв. НАН Армении, Науки о Земле, №3, с. 34-60.
- Джрбашян Р.Т., Гукасян Р.Г, Карапетян С.Г., Мнацаканян А.Х., Навасарядн Г.Х., Геворгян Р.П. 2012. Типы вулканических извержений и формы проявления позднеколлизионного наземного вулканизма Армении // Изв. НАН Армении, Науки о Земле, №3, с. 3-20.
- Джрбашян Р. Т., Гукасян Ю. Г., Карапетян С. Г., Меликсетян Х.Б., Мнацакаян А.Х., Навасардян Г. Х.,2011. Латеральная изменчивость состава новейших вулканических серий СВ части Армянского нагорья. ВУЛКАНИЗМ И ГЕОДИНАМИКА. // Екатеринбург, ИГГ УрО РАН, с.418–421.
- Мнацаканян, А. Х., Гукасян, Ю. Г. 2011. Рецензия на книгу Д. С. Джербашяна «Петрология лав вулкана Арагац». // Изв. НАН Армении, Науки о Земле № 2, с. 65-68.
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- Meliksetian Kh., Connor C., Connor L., Savov I., Navasardyan G., Halama R. 2011. Pleistocene – Holocene late collision volcanism of the territory of Armenia and volcanic hazard assessment. Proceedings, International Workshop Worldwide early warning system of volcanic activities and mitigation of the global/regional consequences of volcanic eruptions. // Proceedings of ISTC International workshop, Moscow, p.136-143.
- Connor C., Connor L., Savov I., Meliksetian Kh., Halama H. 2011. Application Of IAEA Guidelines On Volcanic Hazard to a Nuclear Power Plant Site In Armenia. // Proceedings, IUGG 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
- Connor L., Connor C., Meliksetian Kh., Savov I., 2011. A Probabilistic Approach to Modeling Lava Flow Inundation. // Proceedings, IUGG 2011, Melbourne, Australia.
- Halama R., Savov I., Meliksetian Kh., 2011. The Tezhsar alkaline volcano-intrusive complex (Armenia). // Proceedings, Peralk-Carb, Tuebingen, Germany.
- Meliksetian Kh., S. Krauss, E. Pernicka., P. Avetissyan, S. Devejian, L. Petrosyan. 2011. Metallurgy of prehistoric Armenia, Der Anschnitt, Bochum, Germany, 24, p. 201-210.
- Kunze, R. A.Bobokhyan, Kh. Meliksetian, E. Pernicka, D. Wolf. 2011. Archäologische Untersuchen zur Umgebung der Goldgruben in Armenien mit Schwerpunkt Sotk, Provinz Gegharkunik. Archäologie in Armenien. Ergebnise der Kooperationsprojekte 2010 – Ein Vorbericht. Harald Meller und Pavel Avetissyan (HRSG.)
- Wolf D., G. Borg, E. Pernicka, Kh. Meliksetian, R. Kunze, A.Bobokhnyan. 2011. Geoarchäologidche Untersuchungen der Goldvorkommen von Sotk und Fioletovo, Armenia. Archäologie in Armenien. Ergebnise der Kooperationsprojekte 2010 – Ein Vorbericht. Hrald Meller und Pave; Avetissyan (HRSG.)
- Меликсетян Х. Б., Геворгян Р.П., Гукасян Ю.Г. 2010. Об обнаружении спекулярита (разновидность гематита) в кратере вулкана Блрашарк-1 (Армения). // Изв. НАН Армении, Науки о Земле, № 3, с. 24-29.
- Meliksetian Kh., E. Pernicka, R. Badalyan, T. Schifer. 2010. Geochemical characteristics of obsidian sources of the South Caucasus and provenance of Middle Palaeolithic to Early Iron Age obsidian artefacts. Abstract. 38th International Symposium on Archaeometry Tampa, Florida, USA, May 10th-14th.
- Карапетян С. Г., Джрбашян Р. Т., Навасардян Г. Х., Меликсетян Х.Б., Мнацакаян А.Х., Савов И., Гукасян Р. Х. 2010. Верхнеплиоцен – голоценовый вулканизм Сюникского нагорья (Армения). // Изв. НАН Армении, Науки о Земле, №1, с.3-21.
- Meliksetian Kh., E. Pernicka. 2010. Geochemical characterisation of Armenian Early Bronze Age metal artefacts and their relation to copper ores. in S. Hansen, A. Hauptmann, I. Motzenbacker, E. Pernicka (Hrsg.), Von Majkop bis Trialeti. Gewinnung und Verbreitung von Metallen und Obsidian in Kaukasien im 4. – 2. Jt. . p. 41-58
- Джрбашян Р.Т., Гукасян Ю.Г., Карапетян С.Г., Меликсетян Х.Б., Мнацаканян А.Х., Навасардян Г.Х. 2009. Базальтовый позднеколлизионный вулканизм Армении. Вулканизм и Геодинамика: // Материалы IV Всероссийского симпозиума по вулканологии и палеовулканологии, Петропавловск-Камчатский, ИВиС ДВО РАН, т.1, с.352-354.
- Джрбашян Р.Т., Гукасян Ю.Г., Карапетян С.Г., Мнацаканян А.Х., Навасардян Г.Х. 2009. Позднеколлизионный вулканизм северо-восточной части Армянского нагорья. Магматизм и рудообразование. // Материалы конференции, посвященной 125-летию со дня рождения академика А.Н. Заварицкого, Москва, ИГЕМ РАН, с.39-42.
- Навасардян Г.Х., Мнацаканян А.Х., Савов И., 2009. Породообразующие минералы в лавах новейших вулканических серий Гегамского нагорья (Армения) и физико-химические параметры их кристаллизации. // Изв. НАН Армении, Науки о Земле, №1, с.3-20.
- Meliksetian K, Sargsyan L, Sugden P, Tseng T-L, Savov I, Navasardyan G & Grigoryan E (2019), Spatial geochemical variations of Quaternary collision related volcanism of Armenia linked with seismic data on regional crustal thickness, Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2019 2225.
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- Ջրբաշյան Ռ.Տ., 2013 Հրաբխագիտության hիմունքները և Հայաստանի նորագույն հրաբխականությունը «Գիտություն», 124 էջ Ուսումնական ձեռնարկ:
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Հրավիրված զեկույցներ
- MELIKSETIAN KH. Volcanic hazards assessment for nuclear installations, cycle of 4 lectures. 7th Regional Workshop on Blind Faults and Volcano Hazards Relevant to Nuclear Power Plant Site Safety, IAEA – ANSN workshop, Manila, Philippines, 15–19 June 2015.
- MELIKSETIAN KH. Volcanic Hazard Assessment of the Armenia Nuclear Power Plant Site, Technical Meeting on the Revision of the Safety Requirements Publication: Site Evaluation for Nuclear Installations, IAEA Headquarters, Vienna 3 – 5 December 2012
- MELIKSETIAN KH. Volcanic Hazards Assessment, American University of Armenia, Yerevan, 14 April, 2016.
Միջազգային գիտաժողովներին մասնակցություն զեկույցով
Meliksetian Kh. Geological features of an international significance in the borderlands of
north Armenia and South Georgia as perspectives for the development of
transbordergeopark. “Transboundary Geopark Management in Iran and the Caucasus”
DAAD International Conference, 25-27th ofNovember 2020. Justus Liebig University of
Giessen, Germany, Digital Conference․ -
Meliksetian Kh. Volcanic hazards for nuclear installations worldwide and Armenia case
study. 14th Plenary Meeting of IAEA EESS EBP, “Technical Meeting on Protection of
Nuclear Installations against External Hazards” 16-18 November, 2020. IAEA, Vienna,
Austria. -
Meliksetian Kh. Volcanoes and volcanic highlands as source region for groundwater
resources in Armenia. Regional Coordination Meeting for IAEA TC-Project RER7013, “Evaluating Groundwater Resources and Groundwater-Surface-Water Interactions in the
Context of Adapting to Climate Change. 3-7 Feb, 2020. IAEA, Vienna, Austria. - Meliksetian Kh., I. Savov, C. Connor, H. Gevorgyan, L. Connor, G. Navasardyan, D. Manucharyan, R.Jrbashyan, and Y. Ghukasyan. Violent Explosive Eruptions in the Ararat Valley, Armenia and Associated Volcanic Hazards. General Assembly, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 18, 2016, EGU2016-608
- Savov I., Kh. Meliksetian, C. Connor, A. Karakhanian, P. Sugden, G. Navasardyan, R.Halama, O. Ishizuka, L. Connor, and S. Karapetian. Evolution of Pleistocene to Holocene eruptions in the Lesser Caucasus Mts:Insights from geology, petrology, geochemistry and geochronology. EGU General Assembly, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 18, 2016, EGU2016-6377
- K. Meliksetian, E. Pernicka, On the origins of Chalcolithic and Kura-Araxes metallurgy of ArmeniaOn salt, copper, and gold: the origins of early mining and metallurgy in the Caucasus International Conference, Tbilisi, Georgia, June 16 th -19th 2016
- Faust D., P. Baumgart, S. Meszner, A. Fülling, F. Haubold, L. Sahakyan, Kh. Meliksetian, and D. Wolf. Loess in Armenia – Stratigraphic findings and palaeoenvironmental indications, EGU General Assembly, Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts, vol. 18, 2016, EGU2016-9027
- Meliksetian Kh Prehistoric use of copper ores and the spread of early metallurgy in the southern Caucasus. 40th INHIGEO Symposium, Geosciences International Conference Centre, Beijing, China, 24-27 June 2015
- Meliksetian Kh., Neill I., Allen M., Navasardyan G. Petrogenesis of mafic magmatism in Arabia-Eurasia collision zone: valley filling flows in Armenia. EGU General Assembly. Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts vol. 17, 2015, EGU2015-4518.
- Meliksetian Kh., Connor Ch., Savov I., Connor L., Navasardyan G., Manucharyan D., Ghukasyan Y., Gevorgyan H. Conceptual model of volcanism and volcanic hazards of the region of Ararat valley, Armenia. EGU General Assembly. Austria, Geophysical Research Abstracts vol. 17, 2015, EGU2015-11230.
- Gevorgyan H., Meliksetian Kh., Ghukasyan Yu. G, Savov I., Karapetyan S., Navasardyan G., Quaternary ignimbrites of Armenia: Petrology and stratigraphy. 26th IUGG General Assembly 2015, Czech Republic, Prague.
- Meliksetian Kh., I. Savov, C. Connor, R. Halama, R. Jrbashyan, G. Navasardyan, Y. Ghukasyan, H. Gevorgyan, D. Manucharyan, O. Ishizuka, X., A. Germa. Aragats stratovolcano in Armenia – volcano-stratigraphy and petrology. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 16, EGU2014-567-2, 2014., European Geological Union General assembly, EGU 2014, Austria Vienna, 27 April – 02 May 2014
- Meliksetian Kh., I. Neill, M. Allen, G. Navasardyan. Plateau basaltic volcanism in a syn-collision setting (South Caucasus). Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 16, EGU2014-6703. European Geological Union General assembly, EGU 2014, Austria Vienna, 27 April – 02 May 2014
- Frank S., A. Ferk, U. Kirscher, R. Leonhardt, Kh. Meliksetian, K-U. Hess, D. Dingwell, and V. Bachtadse Paleointensity study on obsidians of Pleistocene Age from Armenia, EGU2014-15552 European Geological Union General assembly, EGU 2014, Austria Vienna, 27 April – 02 May 2014
- Savov I., Kh. Meliksetian, H. Ralf, G. Navasardian, C. Connor, M. D’Antonio, S. Agostini, O. Ishizuka, S. Karapetian, and A. Karakhanian. Collision zone magmatism aids continental crustal growth. EGU2014-2235 European Geological Union General assembly, EGU 2014, Austria Vienna, 27 April – 02 May 2014
- Nikoghosyan I., Kh. Meliksetian, M. van Bergen, P. Mason, R. Jrbashyan, G. Navasardyan, Y. Ghukasyan, R. Melkonyan and S. Karapetyan. Characteristics of mantle sources in Jurassic to Quaternary magmatic history of the territory of Armenia, as a guide to diverse geodynamic settings. Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 16, EGU2014-2262, 2014. European Geological Union General assembly, EGU 2014, Austria Vienna, 27 April – 02 May 2014
- Neill I., M. Allen, M. Kheirkhah, Kh. Meliksetian, L. Kaislaniemi, J.n van Hunen (1). Four flavours of orogenic plateau magmatism: what’s melting beneath the Turkish-Iranian Plateau? Geophysical Research Abstracts. Vol. 16 EGU2014-6400, European Geological Union General assembly, EGU 2014, Austria Vienna, 27 April – 02 May 2014
- Nikogosian, I., Kh. Meliksetian, M.J Van Bergen, P.R.D. Mason and G. Navasardyan (2013). Magma sources within the Armenian territory since the Jurassic. Goldschmidt 23th conference, 25-30 Aug 2013, Florence, Italy abstracts p. 1850.
- FRANK, S., FERK, A., KIRSCHER, U., LEONHARDT, R., MELIKSETIAN, KH., BACHTADSE, V. Paleointesity of subaerial obsidians of Pleistocene age from Armenia. IAGA 12th Scientific Assembly August 26-31, 2013, Yucatan, Mexico.
- KARAKHANIAN A., BADALYAN R., HAROUTYUNIAN A., AVAGYAN A., MELIKSETYAN KH. People and Faults: Archeoseismological Studies in Armenia. Environments and Societies in the Southern Caucasus during the Holocene. International conference, LIA, Maison de l’Orient, Lyon, France, November 28-29th. 2013.
- Meliksetian Kh., I. Neill, M.B. Allen, G. Navarsardyan, and S. Karapetyan. Pliocene-Quaternary syn-collision volcanism of the Javakheti Ridge, NW Armenia: impact on models of magma generation in the Arabia-Eurasia collision zone. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 14, EGU2012-7894, 2012.
- NEILL I., KH. MELIKSETIAN, M.B. ALLEN, G. NAVARSARDYAN, 2012. Petrogenesis of Syn-collision Plio-Quaternary Lavas in Northwest Armenia: Magma Generation in the Turkish-Armenian-Iranian Plateau AGU Fall Meeting, 3-7 Dec., San-Francisko, USA.
- C. CONNOR, L. CONNOR, I. SAVOV, K. MELIKSETIAN, R. HALAMA, 2011. Application Of IAEA Guidelines On Volcanic Hazard To A Nuclear Power Plant Site In Armenia. Proceeedings, IUGG 2011, Melbourne, Australia. 28 June- 07 July.
- L. CONNOR, C.B. CONNOR, K. MELIKSETIAN & I. SAVOV. 2011. A Probabilistic Approach to Modeling Lava Flow Inundation. Proceedings, IUGG 2011, Melbourne, Australia. 28 June- 07 July.
- R. HALAMA, I. SAVOV & KH. MELIKSETIAN. The Tezhsar alkaline volcano-intrusive complex (Armenia). 2011. Proceedings. Peralk-Carb 2011., 16-18 June, Tuebingen, Germany.
- KH. MELIKSETIAN, R. SCHWAB, S. KRAUS, E. PERNICKA, M. BRAUNS. 2011. Chemical, lead isotope and metallographic analysis of extraordinary arsenic-rich alloys used for jewellery in Bronze Age Armenia. Metalla. Proceedings, International conference Archaeomtelalurgy in Europe III. p. 211-212.
- R. Kunze, D. Wolf, A. Bobokhyan, Kh. Meliksetian, and E. Pernicka. 2011, Archaeometallurgical investigations in gold mining districts of Armenia. Metalla. Proceedings, International conference Archaeomtelalurgy in Europe III. 29 June- 1 July, 2011. p. 126
- D. PETERSON., A. GEVORKYAN, KH. MELIKSETIAN, A. BOBOKYAN. J. DUDGEON. M. TROMP. S. HOVAKIMYAN, A. VARDANYAN. C. MEREDITH AND T. SCHNEYDER. 2011. The South Caucasus archaeometallurgy project: investigation of early mining and metal production on the Armenian Plateau. Metalla. Proceedings, International conference Archaeomtelalurgy in Europe III. 29 June- 1 July, 2011. p. 213
- MELIKSETIAN, K., PERNICKA, E., BADALYAN, M. BRAUNS, R., AVETISSYAN, P. Trace element compositions and lead isotopy of Armenian Neolithic, Eneolithic and Early Bronze Age metal artefacts and comparison to ore sources. Abstract. 38th International Symposium on Archaeometry Tampa, Florida, USA, May 10th-14th, 2010.
- MELIKSETIAN, E. PERNICKA. R. BADALYAN T. SCHIFER. Geochemical characteristics of obsidian sources of the South Caucasus and provenance of Middle Palaeolithic to Early Iron Age obsidian artefacts. Abstract. 38th International Symposium on Archaeometry Tampa, Florida, USA, May 10th-14th, 2010.
- MELIKSETIAN, K., PERNICKA, E., BADALYAN, R., AVETISSYAN, P. ‐ Trace element and lead isotope composition of some Armenian Neolithic and Eneolithic copper objects. Abstract. 37th International Symposium on Archaeometry Siena, May 12th-16th, 2008.
- Robles M., Brugiapaglia E., Peyron O., Ménot G., Ollivier V., Tozalakyan P., MeliksetianKh., Sahakyan L., Joannin S. Vegetation dynamics, human impact and climate influences around the Lake Sevan in Armenia. MEDPALYNO, 9-11 July 2019, p.116, https://medpalyno2019.sciencesconf.org/data/pages/book_medpalyno2019_final.pdf
- Bobokhyan A., Kunze R., Meliksetyan Kh., Hovsepyan R., Amiryan M. Main results of archaeological investigations in the Sotk region. Archaeology of armenia in regional context II. International Conference dedicated to the 60th Anniversary of the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography. Yerevan. 9th–11th of July, 2019, pp. 27-28.
- Gevorgyan H., Breitkreuz C., Meliksetian Kh., Ghukasyan Yu., Israyelyan A., Pfäander J.A., Miggins D., Koppers A. Physical volcanology of Quaternary ignimbrites in the Aragats Volcanic Province (Lesser Caucasus): a lithofaciesbased approach. GeoMünster, Germany, 2019, pp. 116-117.
- Gevorgyan H., Kirscher U., Breitkreuz C., Meliksetian Kh., Israyelyan A., Bachtadse V., Miggins D., Koppers A. The Pliocene pyroclastic succession of Ani, Armenian-Turkish border: geochronology, geochemistry and paleomagnetic constraints. GeoMünster, Germany, 2019, p.123.
- Gevorgyan H., Repstock A., Schulz B., Meliksetian Kh., Breitkreuz C., Israyelyan A. Decoding a post-collisional multistage magma system: The Quaternary ignimbrites of Aragats stratovolcano, western Armenia. GRANITES II Summer School, July 8-12, 2019, Roscoff, France.
- Grigoryan E., Meliksetian Kh., Wolf D., Sahakyan L., Faust D., Sugden P., Savov I.P., Koopers A. Late Middle Pleistocene tephra from Vei=6 eruption of Nemrut volcano (SE Turkey) preserved 350 km away in loess sequences in NE Armenia. International Symposium on “Loess Deposits as Archives of Environmental Change in the Past”September 15-22, 2019, pp.62-64.
- Kharitonova N, Lavrushin V, Meliksetian K, Aidarkozhina A & Chirkova E. REY’s Content and Fate in Groundwaters within the Armenian Region (Lesser Caucasus). Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2019, p.1662.
- Meliksetian Kh., Avagyan A. Volcanic hazards as an underestimated risk factor in Armenia, Georgia and Eastern Turkey. Meeting dedicated to 90th anniversary of prof. Shota Adamia. IvaneJavakhishvili State University, Tbilisi, 2019.
- Meliksetian Kh., Sargsyan L., Sugden P., Tseng T-L., Savov I., Navasardyan G. & Grigoryan E., Spatial geochemical variations of Quaternary collision related volcanism of Armenia linked with seismic data on regional crustal thickness, Goldschmidt Abstracts, 2019, p.2225.
- Meliksetian Kh., Navasardyan G., Jrbashyan R., Savov I., Gevorgyan H., Manucharyan D., Grigoryan E., Misakyan M. New geochronological data and interactions between polygenetic and monogenetic volcanism of Syunik and Vardenis volcanic uplands. Conference dedicated to the 100th Anniversary of A. T. Aslanyan, 7-8, February, 2019, Yerevan, Armenia.
- Avagyan A., Meliksetyan Kh., Sahakyan L. Armenia as a candidate of the high potential of world geopark program. International conference museums of natural sciences as a factor of geotourism development, Ереван, октябрь 15-18, 2019, p.8.
- Misakyan M., Meliksetian Kh. Geological tourism and geopark perspectives in
- Sevan Basin, Armenia. Actual Problems of Geography, Scientific Conference, 07 – 08 November, 2019, Tbilisi, pp. 132-137.